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Pet Surgery

At Town & Country Veterinary Clinic, we provide top-notch veterinary surgery for your pet. Our expert veterinarians perform soft-tissue surgery on a daily basis. Whether your pet’s surgery was a planned spay or neuter or an unexpected emergency, our veterinary team is well equipped to provide your pet with the best surgical care available.

We know that veterinary surgery can be a scary idea for you and your pet and our team is here to answer any questions you may have and discuss any concerns you as a pet owner are feeling. Our veterinarians, veterinarian technicians and hospital team will provide superior care for your pet from check-in, through their veterinary surgery and during their stay with us at our hospital. To schedule a spay and neuter in Starke, FL book an appointment today!


Our Soft-Tissue Surgeries Include:

  • Oral Surgery
  • Spays and neuters
  • Tumor removals and biopsies
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